Happy TMJ Awareness Month!


OUR JAWS GET a pretty constant workout between all the talking, chewing, and yawning we do, but those simple activities become more complicated for those with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD or TMJ). There’s a small, …

Invisalign from your Morristown dentist

Beautiful Straight Smiles With Invisalign

Joshua GarzaUncategorized

THE TIME WHEN getting braces meant spending years with a mouth full of metal hooked to bulky headgear is long past, thanks to an alternative like Invisalign from your Morristown dentist. These days, traditional metal …

Is There a Wrong Way to Breathe?


“MOUTH-BREATHER” HAS made the rounds as an insult in recent years, but breathing primarily through the mouth instead of the nose can actually have some pretty negative effects on health, including oral health. Mouth-breathing should …