AS DENTAL HEALTH professionals, our favorite figure in the magic of childhood has to be the Tooth Fairy. We all remember what it was like to leave a baby tooth under the pillow and find …
What Triggers a Canker Sore?
A CANKER SORE, a shallow ulcer that can develop on the inside of the cheeks or lips, can mean days of discomfort. Different things can trigger a canker sore. The most common are a bitten …
3 Incredible Women in Dental History
THROUGHOUT HISTORY, WOMEN have faced numerous challenges in pursuing their careers. Dentistry is no exception. It has taken significant determination and persistence for women to establish themselves in the field of dentistry. In this blog …
Which Kids’ Toothbrush Is Best?
HERE’S A HANDY GUIDE that can help parents navigate the toothbrush aisle the next time they need to replace a child’s toothbrush (which should be every few months — certainly by the time the bristles …
Tips for Teaching Kids Effective Flossing
AS PARENTS, THERE ARE so many things we must teach our children so that they are ready to go out into the world as adults. One lesson we prioritize as dentists is teaching them how …
Tips for Men’s Oral Health
ON AVERAGE, BOYS and men are up to 20% less likely to brush twice a day and even less likely to replace their old toothbrushes on a regular basis than girls and women. Luckily, it’s …
Dental Health and Eating Disorders
EATING DISORDERS ARE incredibly dangerous, sometimes life-threatening mental conditions. The first health impacts that probably come to mind are the psychological toll they take and the malnutrition they cause if left unchecked. However, they also …
Kissing and Contagious Cavities
THE REASON DAILY brushing and flossing are so important for keeping harmful oral bacteria populations under control is that they reproduce very quickly. In a healthy, clean mouth, there might be anywhere from a thousand …
Being Lip-Tied or Tongue-Tied
IT’S COMMON ENOUGH to be tongue-tied in the sense of not being able to get your words out, but a tongue tie is also a real medical condition, as is a lip tie. These conditions …
Women’s Dental Health
WOMEN FACE A different set of challenges than men do in caring for their teeth and gums, and they also have different advantages. Oral Health Issues that Affect Women More Women make up 90% of …