Women’s Dental Health


WOMEN FACE A different set of challenges than men do in caring for their teeth and gums, and they also have different advantages. Oral Health Issues that Affect Women More Women make up 90% of …

Soothing a Sensitive Tooth


IF EVERY BITE of ice cream or every sip of coffee gives your teeth a nasty jolt, then you know what it’s like to live with tooth sensitivity. At least one in every eight Americans …

Childhood Gum Disease


MANY HEALTH ISSUES rarely impact children, but that’s not the case with gum disease. Harmful oral bacteria don’t care how old we are, and kids and teenagers are at risk of developing gingivitis just like …

Smoking and Vaping Versus Teeth


SMOKING IS AN incredibly unhealthy habit for the entire body, and that includes teeth and gums. 80% of oral cancer diagnoses are to those who smoke or chew tobacco. Early symptoms include odd white patches …

Dental Emergency Preparedness


HAVING A PLAN already in place can make a huge difference if an emergency comes up, and that definitely applies to dental emergencies like oral injuries. How do we plan ahead for unexpected injuries? That …

When a Child Gets a Toothache


TOOTHACHES ARE NEVER fun, particularly for little kids who might not know what’s happening. They can be caused by a variety of things and are usually worth a visit to the dentist, especially if it’s …

What Is Toothpaste Made Of?


PEOPLE HAVE USED some form of paste to help keep their teeth clean since at least 3000 BC in ancient Egypt. Modern toothpaste first appeared in the 1700s and was usually homemade. A dentist first …