Inlays and Onlays

Smiling Patient

For large cavities or a tooth with decay in more than one area, an inlay or onlay may be the best restorative solution. At Rangel Dental, we use the latest CAD/CAM technology to take precise digital impressions and create beautiful, comfortable restorations that improve your tooth function, benefit your oral health and enhance your smile.

Biometric Dentistry

We take a biometric approach to restorative dentistry, which means that our goal is to emulate your teeth’s natural and aesthetic form and function while preserving as much tooth structure as possible. Porcelain and composite inlays and onlays require less tooth preparation and drilling than conventional fillings, only removing the damaged and decayed part of the tooth. They are bonded to the remaining healthy natural tooth structure, which strengthens teeth and leaves more natural tooth structure than a crown.

Inlays Vs. Onlays: What’s The Difference?

Inlays are used to fill large cavities in the grooves, pits and fissures of the tooth’s biting surface. They provide a stronger solution than amalgam or composite fillings. Unlike traditional fillings, inlays consist of a single, solid piece that is fabricated in our office using a CEREC machine or in a dental lab.

Onlays are used when decay is found on the tooth cusps. They are a more conservative alternative to crowns — some patients opt for onlays because the procedure removes less tooth structure than restoring a tooth with a crown.  An onlay is the precise size and shape of the area where it is placed, while a crown covers the entire biting surface of the tooth and the tooth structure above the gumline. Both inlays and onlays can be made from porcelain, gold or composite resin and are bonded directly to the teeth.

The Inlay & Onlay Procedure

3d render of dental onlayFirst, your dentist numbs the area with a local anesthetic. Once the area is numb, they remove old fillings, decay and any areas of the tooth that are damaged. The tooth is then shaped and prepared for restoration. If you are a candidate for in-office CEREC restoration, a digital scan of the tooth surface is taken and the inlay or onlay is constructed using the CEREC machine in our office. In the same visit, after your inlay or onlay is fabricated, your dentist checks to ensure a proper fit, makes any necessary adjustments and bonds the onlay or inlay to your tooth.

Our experienced and compassionate dental professionals understand that some patients experience anxiety or fear during dental procedures. We provide a gentle touch and sedation dentistry options such as nitrous oxide, which can help you remain calm, comfortable and relaxed during an inlay or onlay procedure. Talk with your dentist about sedation dentistry to determine if it’s right for you.

Contact Us To Learn More About Inlays And Onlays

To learn more about how biometric restorative dentistry can help you improve and maintain your oral health and your smile, contact Rangel Dental online or call 973-292-0001 to schedule an appointment today. Whether you need a periodic checkup and cleaning or want to enhance your smile with cosmetic dentistry, we look forward to serving all of your dental care needs and helping you achieve optimal oral health.